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We had our fourth #POWERTALK! of the year yesterday, held at the Microsoft Belgium offices. The #PowerAddictsBE would like to thank our venue sponsors, Microsoft Belgium (Special thanks go out to Lise Plaziat and Cédric Cornet and his team for the splendid organisation) and #ProcessDelight for the excellent snack and sandwiches/drinks before and after the speaker sessions. The speakers, Andrew Welch and Yves Kerwyn blew us away (40 people in the audience). Andrew, your vision of the Power Platform is always inspiring and an eye-opener. Yves, the energy and passion in your speech about plugins and Azure Application Insights have left us with a hunger for more. Thank you both, and of course, YOU, for coming to Brussels so early and coming from each direction of Belgium, Antwerp, Brussels, Aalst, Gent and even from the east of Belgium (Eupen-Malmedy). We hope you have enjoyed this POWERTALK!, and hope to see you again for another inspiring POWERTALK! on Thursday, the 17 of November, in Mechelen at Ordina Belgium. More information is coming soon.