NEW PowerTALK! | Register now

Join us on our next PowerTALK! This time it is set to take place inDiegem, Belgium, featuring two fantastic speakers, Glenn Beeckman and Wouter Vyverman.

This evening is hosted at and by Ordina / Sopra Steria on Thursday, 16 May 2024, at Culliganlaan 3B in Diegem.

The first session will be held by Glenn Beekmans, Power Platform Consultant @ Ordina. He will walk us through the error handeling mechanisms Power Automate offers:

In this session I will cover how to handle errors in Power Automate. I will go over some of the possibilities suggested by Microsoft as well as share some ideas on how you can achieve this.

For the second session we will do it a little bit different this month. After the break Wouter Vyverman, Business Consultant @ Moore Belgium and Business Owner @ AD-APTA, will walk us through the internal workings of Event orchestration with Dynamics 365 Customer Journeys:

In this session I will show the audience the full potential of the Dynamics 365 Customer Journey application, regarding event orchestration (based on a customer use case). I will demonstrate how the sole creation of an event record is enough to automate event orchestration.

PowerTALK! is a must-attend event for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The PowerTALK! will start at 18:00 with a bite to eat and the first session will start at 19:00. Join us at Ordina / Sopra Steria, Culliganlaan 3B in Diegem 1831. Thanks to Ordina / Sopra Steria for sponsoring the event and making it possible.

Register via Eventbrite.

See you in Diegem!