PowerTALK! – the next Belgian PowerAddicts meetup – is set to take place in Ghent, Belgium, featuring four renowned speakers from Italy, The Netherlands and Belgium. Fabio Franzini, Angelo Gulisano, Nathalie Leendes and Frederik Bisback will share their insights on enhancing Power Apps Canvas and data integration on the Power Platform, respectively.
The event is scheduled for Thursday, 20th April 2023, at Zebrastraat. Gustaaf Callierlaan 231, 9000 Ghent. Sponsored by Inetum-realdolmen.
In the first session, Fabio Franzini, CEO of Apvee Solutions and a Microsoft MVP for Business Applications, and Angelo Gulisano, a Productivity Solutions Manager of Npo Sistemi / MCT, will discuss ways to create graphically appealing applications using the Creator Kit and the Fluent UI style. While Power Apps Canvas makes it easy to build applications, customers often request additional graphical embellishments, which can be challenging to deliver. In this session, attendees will get an overview of the Creator Kit and learn how to use it to bring the Fluent UI style into their Canvas applications while meeting all the classic functionality requirements of an application. Using open-source PCF control sets, attendees will learn how to quickly create a template for an application that is graphically appealing and fully integrated with the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

In the second session, Nathalie Leenders and Frederik Bisback will share their insights on data integration on the Power Platform. The ‘All about Data and the Power Platform’ session will explore different ways to ingest data into the Power Platform, including structured, unstructured, on-premises, and cloud-based data. Attendees will learn about the possibilities of data ingestion based on frequency, data volume, and complexity and explore which datasource to use for their Canvas or Model-driven app from a developer’s and technical architect’s point of view. The session will cover SharePoint, Excel, SQL, and Virtual Tables, as well as the differences between premium and non-premium options and future maintainability.

The event promises to be an excellent opportunity for Power Platform enthusiasts and developers to learn from industry experts and network with peers. PowerTALK! is a must-attend event for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in Power Apps Canvas and data integration on the Power Platform.
The event will start at 18:00 PM (the first session begins at 19:00 PM). It will be held at Zebrastraat, Gustaaf Callierlaan 231, 9000 Ghent. Thanks to Inetum-realdolmen for sponsoring the event and making it possible.

Register your free ticket here.
See you all in Ghent!